Thursday, March 22, 2012

OneFreakingHundred-St Patrick's Day 2

NinetyNine-St Patrick's Day 1

NinetyEight-Valentine's Day 8

Kid friendly ideas...

NinetySeven-Valentine's Day 7

NinetySix-Valentine's Day 6

NinetyFive-Valentine's Day 5

NinetyFour-Valentine's Day 4

NinetyThree-Valentine's Day 3

NinetyTwo-Valentine's Day 2

NinetyOne Valentine's Day 1

Well hello. First and foremost, I miss you all horribly. I have been in a black hole but I think I'm making my way back to the light. I never finished last year's project and with this year's approaching, I decided to "catch up". So the remaining posts will be some cards I've made for some recent holidays. If any of you are still out there, thank you and happy spring!