Monday, June 6, 2011

Seventeen-Blanched Harlequino

Inspiration Pieces and Original Size Interpretation

Photographed Interpretation

Shrunken Interpretation with Inspiration Pieces
Scanned Interpretation

Here we have me attempting to mix a couple of pieces and add my own spin. I took Fred Chuang's Harlequino, traced the outlines, filled it in with muted, washed out colors (ink and watercolor pencil), and layered Neha Bawa's Blanched on top. In effect, I was trying to take Fred's "rainbow" and "blanch" it to emphasize Neha's "world of black and white". Oh, and I did it on shrinkable plastic because 1. It's fun and 2. To pay homage to Neha's micro poetry. So I used a cheap version of the shrinkable plastic which resulted in the warping and distortion of the rectangle but overall I now know this could definitely be a cool technique to use in the future. I hope Fred and Neha don't mind! :)


  1. I'm already being paid an homage to? I don't know if I've made my bones yet, but thank you Catherine. You're too kind, my friend.

  2. Beautiful work; love the colors and the printing. I think they would be pleased!

  3. Just saw this homage to Neha's poem and had to smile. When I first read "Blanched" I scribbled the last two stanzas on a scrap of paper, and spent yesterday creating
