Tuesday, June 14, 2011


What more can I say that I didn't say yesterday? I've been missing my friend since the beginning of the new year and I'll be missing her more without her poetry. And to think a year ago she was just the micro poet who seemed to travel to cool places a lot. This "little" project has meant so much more to me than just a creative outlet. And also to think, twenty five days in and I haven't even been to the loony bin yet! Okay, well hopefully haven't even been" not "yet". :)This isn't "unsound mind and body" for nothing. About the card: watercolor pencil and glaze pen on vellum, on paper, on card stock with paper, marker, and glitter glue accents. Also, the title is kind of a joke that I wonder if anyone will get... The gauntlet is thrown! (I'll give you a hint, it might not be pronounced how you think it is.)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and I am sure Neha feels the line of your love very near!
