Thursday, June 16, 2011

TwentySix-Wait, Wasn't I Supposed to Be Making Cards?

Oh boy, so I actually made a different pair at first but I bought the wrong size jump rings and then when I bought what I thought were the right size jump rings, I lost one. So then I made these and it turns out these are still the wrong size jump rings, the first ones were too small and these ones are too big. Even if they were the right size, I don't know how to make them sit straight when you put them on, so still some experimenting to be done here. A jewelry designer I am not. But I think this will be a fun project to do with my five year old niece when we have sleepovers. I bought some inexpensive leather cording and I figure we could make some of these and maybe even link them together somehow to make a chain. About the materials: solvent based ink and watercolor pencil on shrinkable plastic with sterling silver French wires and large silver-plated jump rings.

P.S. I'm trying to work up the courage to attempt a cool shrinkable plastic project I saw online when searching for advice on what materials to use on the plastic: shrinkable plastic rings!!!!!


  1. These are pretty! I have no earthly idea what jump rings are, but I DO relate and support continuing the good fight until it feels just right Ms. Goldilocks!

  2. Thanks! Jump rings are the little rings that connect the part that goes through your ear to the piece of plastic.

  3. These are really cute!
