Saturday, June 11, 2011

TwentyOne-(100) Days of Summer

For some reason this $1.00 find rubber stamp reminds me of the hilariously cheesy card Joseph Gordon-Levitt comes up with for his friend in (500) Days of Summer: "Every day I'm proud of you, but today you get a card." Or something like that. Anyway, I really wanted to do a vase with flowers in shrinkable plastic but, big surprise, it didn't quite come out how I was hoping it would so I kind of slapped it together with this stamp and here it is. I am definitely going to try it again as I get better though because I think there is real potential in making it look really good.

1 comment:

  1. How lovely, Cathryn. The flowers remind me of those hard candies that have images of flowers in the center. Glad to see you back.
